Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Forgiveness
Humanity and Relationship Deficiency Rodney Fugitt
Two Sides Rodney Fugitt
Time and The Seeds of Life Rodney Fugitt
Internally Trapped! Rodney Fugitt
Mental Health in America Today Part 2 Rodney Fugitt
Mental Health in America Today! Rodney Fugitt
Forgiveness Rodney Fugitt
The Power of Forgiveness Rodney Fugitt
Change Rodney Fugitt
What If Rodney Fugitt
What is the significance of the mirror Rodney Fugitt
Self Esteem Self Worth Self Victory and the People We Impact! Rodney Fugitt
My Perspective Rodney Fugitt
Me Being Humble Rodney Fugitt
My Big Brother Rodney Fugitt
Love Is just another word Rodney Fugitt
A Piece of Clay Rodney Fugitt
Love Oneself Rodney Fugitt
Veterans Day: November 10, 2023 To all the Veterans, I would like to say that humanity is forever in your debt. We could never begin to pay back the debt we owe to each one of you, the past, present and future military personnel and Veterans. We can only commit and dedicate our words and actions to work collectively as a society to stop the current egotistical behavior that is ruining the very thing that each one of you is willing to sacrifice your life to defend. It’s not just the external freedom (because I am not sure there is such a thing), but more importantly the internal freedom that you give to each person within humanity to make decisions, choices and the ability to love without limitations. They say it only takes one of anything to make a difference in everything so maybe we start right now and agree that Veterans should be celebrated every day and we the people should express our empathy, compassion, gratitude, appreciation, respect, and love for the most selfless individuals that humanity has to share, the Bravest, Strongest and most Courageous of them all the Military Veterans past, present, and future soon to be, your sacrifice is the greatest sacrifice of them all “Your Life”, this sacrifice is too large to be limited to just one day, so Today on this Veterans day, I can only promise this, that my Family and I will continue to be grateful and honored to live is this country that you have sacrificed and given your life to protect and we will do our part, whether big or small, to honor your willingness to sacrifice your life without asking for anything in return. Each one us should pay it forward so others can truly understand what sacrifice means and that we all can understand the meaning of internal freedom and pay forward in “LOVE” without limitations and with the understanding that each Veteran sacrifices to allow all of humanity the choice to be internally free and to live in freedom, equality, and justice. So let’s make it our mission every day to celebrate the people that sacrifice their lives for the internal freedom of all of humanity and truly love ourselves so that we can love others without limitations and recognize that humanity is better off because of the Military Veterans selfless sacrifices.
Rodney Fugitt January 17, 2023
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Forgiveness
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