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What is the significance of the mirror

Rodney Fugitt January 12, 2023 910 321 5

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Love, is it just another word?

I remember seeing signs and feeling some forms of love when I was a little boy, time was spent mostly with my sister and brother filled with some disappointment and equally as much joy.

My mom had to work all the time because our house was absent of a dad, but i was really too young to understand the situation so I never really felt sad.

When I was little The word love was not often heard or said, but i did get to hear it just about every night when my sister or brother put me to bed.

I don’t say these things to get peoples sympathy, I say these things for grace, compassion and empathy.

Put Back to love and the present time, love now has enhanced feelings and way different signs.

When my friend and me were cruising McDonalds one Friday night, I seen this amazing girl and i told my friend there is my future wife.

Well here we are 40 years later we have a wonderful family of our own, we have used the word and actions of love to create an amazing home.

It’s odd but in a different way, we still only use the word love at selected times throughout the day.

However we never go a moment with out demonstrating the love that we feel, I personally don’t need to hear the word and I prefer to be the producer of love it’s a way bigger deal.

The feeling of love that our family has for each other is with us where ever one of us goes, because it’s truly not the word love that has the impact but it’s the unconditionally love that lives deep within our souls.

My wife, daughter, son and dogs are with me even when their not near, because the unconditional love we have and continue to share will never disappear.

So it appears the word love may just be still another word, but unconditional love is demonstrated and rarely heard.

I am so very blessed to have my family we truly make each other whole, and the unconditional love that we demonstrate for each other lives and will always remain in our immortal souls.

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