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Have you ever been lost

Rodney Fugitt January 11, 2023 17 5

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Another day has past and night has arrived, it’s time to go to bed and get some much required shut eye.

Sleeping is require to repair the body from the day, but my mind is so active it has a lot to say.

During this process I am resting and quiet as can be, but while I am  sleeping my mind seems to be having a party.

Why are you so active while I am a sleep, aren’t you suppose to be counting multiple sheep.

Go to sleep mind and be at rest, so when tomorrow comes you’ll be at your best.

I said my prayers before i went to bed, and that should be enough to clear my head.

I love you mind your a huge part of me, but I said my prayer so please minimize the fear and worry.

I don’t want you shut off for a large amount of time, but if you could be like the soul at night that would be just fine.

Be as active as you want while I am awake, but when it’s time for bed can you please be at peace and rest and give me a little break.

I promise when we awake for a new day, that you can go back with a lot to say, I think you will realize when you mimic the soul, then you and your other two friends body and spirit together will make me whole.

If my mind, body and spirit can be united as one, then I can be the best of me for my wife, daughter, dogs and son.

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