Humanity and Relationship Deficiency Rodney Fugitt
Two Sides Rodney Fugitt
Time and The Seeds of Life Rodney Fugitt
Internally Trapped! Rodney Fugitt
Mental Health in America Today Part 2 Rodney Fugitt
Mental Health in America Today! Rodney Fugitt
Forgiveness Rodney Fugitt
The Power of Forgiveness Rodney Fugitt
Change Rodney Fugitt
What If Rodney Fugitt
What is the significance of the mirror Rodney Fugitt
Self Esteem Self Worth Self Victory and the People We Impact! Rodney Fugitt
My Perspective Rodney Fugitt
Me Being Humble Rodney Fugitt
My Big Brother Rodney Fugitt
Love Is just another word Rodney Fugitt
A Piece of Clay Rodney Fugitt
Love Oneself Rodney Fugitt
The Power of Forgiveness Rodney Fugitt
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Power of Forgiveness
Sometimes I feel Like a prisoner and sometimes I feel free, but I have learned that choice is all up to me. It’s Only Time! I am grateful for each moment! The value of time is so hard to see, I think it’s all permanent but I now realize it’s only temporary It’s started off slow and then picked up fast, moment by moment not knowing which one will be my last Faith and hope is the driving force, it frees me to stay focused and steadies the course Prayer is the ultimate guide for me, it heals my soul and sets me free There is 1440 minutes in a day I need to be strategic with each one and not let one waste away If I could just figure it out some way and some how to learn to live in the hear and now Then the 1440 minutes in a day would be so powerful that the people i leave behind could never forget me no how and no way.
Once time as past and it’s gone, there is no getting it back so I can’t get the moment wrong p I have to use each moment to be the best version of me because that’s what will ultimately set me and everyone else free.
I am here today and possibly gone tomorrow so why not be the best me so i can add joy and minimize the sorrow.
I won’t use excuses and waste any more of my time, I owe to me and everyone else to consistently shine.
Time has taught me so many lessons and i now choose not to be a burden, I now choose only to be a blessing.
I am grateful for each moment of time, especially the ones with my family they are the moments that really shine.
It’s Only Time and it’s Priceless!
Written by RLF: Don’t wait for the change, initiate and be the change!